

Unique relaxing massage will help, releasing much of the tension you accumulate. It will increase, so your being, both physically and intellectually.

60 minutes – 25 euros

Massage stimulates the muscles and relax. It is a deep massage, rhythmic fluid. Use both hands and forearms.

60 minutes – 45 euros

Massage using a natural fabric bags filled with aromatic herbs, medicinal plants, rice and essential oils usually used in medicine Ayurbeda

60 minutes – 40 euros

The reducing massage is used to combat and eliminate the accumulation of fat in a localized body like the abdomen or buttocks area.

45 minutes – 30 euros

This Thai massage classic, accompanied by aromatic oils, adding to its numerous benefits a plus relaxation.

60 minutes – 40 euros

The thailandes massage is applied throughout the body, from the toes to the head. It eliminates toxins and provides a feeling of deep peace both in body and mind.

45 minutes – 30 euros

Professional massage performed by two, using his four hands at once … have effects stress, relantes, antidepressants, etc.

60 minutes – 50 euros

The purpose of the sensitive massage is to relieve the physical and emotional consequences that stress.

60 minutes – 40 euros

Therapeutic massage. It consists of making hand movements on the body surface, in very specific and concrete areas or at key points.

45 minutes – 25 euros

10 euros

35 euros

25 euros

20 euros

30 euros

Precio: 25 euros

20 euros

25 euros

30 euros